When you have no money, you usually have a good amount of time. It is crucial that you fill this time with as much enjoyable activity as possible. It is preferred that these activities are not self destructive, but that is not a requirement. Normally, with a lack of funds you also have a lack of access to self destructive things. If you still have money for those things, but think you are broke, you are not.
(This next paragraph will sound bleak, but it's a positive read. I promise.)
Sadly, not having money is a lot like being in prison; tons of time, very little freedom and boredom is your absolute mortal enemy. Boredom slows the clock down to something that's not natural. If it were just elongating the seconds, minuets and hours it would be tolerable. Yet the time becomes something painful when it's that slow. To be trapped in your mind as the flow of time is fighting against you- no matter which direction you go- feels like hell. Here are the best survival methods for 'you got time but ain't got the money' syndrome.
5. Reading
There is no monster waiting in the book. Do it. |
If you're thinking to yourself that you're out of 'books you've always wanted to read' than you're already a reader and you're being snotty. Stop it.
4. Practice
Pancakes. I read this an immediately thought pancakes. |
3. Use a notebook
You don't have to decorate the cover like a middle-school girl, but bonus points if you do |
2. Write a Blog
Yeah, really putting a lot of effort into this one. If I can write one about all the mundane jazz I've done while broke, you can write one about anything.
One foot in front of the other and soon you wont be so bored. |
When I speak on the topic of waking for leisure, or extra pedestrian activities, I have a hard time not sounding like an unnecessary hype man (SERIOUSLY, THIS IS THE SHIT. THIS IS WHAT'S UP. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. DO YOU EVEN WALK, BRO?). I was a walker in the wintertime out of necessity and come spring it was downright enjoyable. It's not killer exercise but that's the best part. You don't have to condition up to it, the recovery is minimal and it's pretty hard to hurt yourself doing it (despite that remark, I have managed to many a time).
That being said, it's not even about the exercise. The movement? Maybe, but it is the slowly changing scenery that is important. You get to notice a hell of a lot more when you're on foot. You notice things you get used to blocking out as you drive. If you're daring enough, you actually look people in the eye and say hello (don't expect a very warm response from many, your cheery disposition is shared by few). You essentially get a real feel for what constructs the neighborhood around you. That vibe is constructed by things you miss. You assemble an opinion based on the pattern of buildings and business's that fly by and that is only shorting yourself.
You'll notice TV is not on the list, it does kill time but I've never had the attention span for it. Six would obviously be 'look for work.' This however should be a passive skill that you are always working on. From first draft to publishing, I found a three day roof job and two longer term gigs (admittedly it's easier to find work when you're a handy-man/ jack of all trades).
At the end of the day, make sure you are enjoying your experiences. If the time you spend is enriching in any way, you are not poor. It is these activities that make you rich. If these skills can keep my scatter brained attention span occupied, they can work for anyone
*Or what shoes you're wearing with pants. Seriously, I wore brown slippers to a wedding last week. No one was the wiser.